Caregiver News

An Integrative Approach to Caregiver Burnout

“In June of 2020, the American Psychological Association surveyed 5470 people and found that 67% of the 40 million Americans acting as unpaid caregivers (caring for ailing family members) reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral symptom in the previous 30 days. They also found that caregivers,


You’re Invited: How I got a $5 raise virtual event

Jill has been a caregiver in Missoula Montana for 27 years. Last month she got a $5 raise at Consumer Direct Montana where she has been working for 4.5 years. If you’re a caregiver and want to know all about how Jill and her coworkers got their raises,


Montana caregivers get $5 raises!

We were so excited to find out that the caregivers at Consumer Direct Montana received raises starting at $5!!! Not only that, they are also getting paid time off and things like “training and union representation during conflicts with their employer”. It’s about time that caregivers in our


Paid Family Caregivers in Indiana Face Steep Cutbacks

Earlier today, The New York Times published an article about how Indiana family caregivers are facing changes in the state’s home caregiving program due to budget cuts. During the pandemic, states received federal funds to finance programs to support home caregivers, so that they could care for their


‘I Wish I Had Known That No One Was Going to Help Me’

Did you see this article in the New York Times by Reed Abelson and Jordan Rau? It’s got great photos and interviews with family caregivers. In the article, adult children discuss the trials of caring for their aging parents: unreliable agencies, a lack of help and dwindling financial