RANT: “Because we are so short-handed sometimes they don’t get the care that they need. “

~ Rant sent by Celeste ~

I have a client that if it were up to her she would have me doing all her caregiving, nobody else except me. She always tells everybody that she loves me and we laugh and everything like that, I have a great rapport with her. I’ve been taking care of her for probably about 4 years. 

She jokes around a lot. I’m happy to go into her place. I’ve had clients that everything is negative and she’s real positive. There’s times that she complains but I just kinda let it mull over because for the most part she’s really great. 

She doesn’t have any family members so that’s why she likes me coming in there. There’s one more other person that takes care of her. I’m there every day and the other caregiver just goes on Wednesdays and fills when I’m gone. 

A lot of times when I’m gone, because we are so shorthanded that we don’t have caregivers to fill in, that’s when the clients get sad that I’m not there and sometimes they don’t even get the care that they need. 

Celeste, Caregiver for 17 years

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